

Strengthening Friendships through Spiritual and Charitable Social Activities

The Ambrosians began with Monsignor Pates while he was at Saint Ambrose in the early 2000’s. The group was established to encourage and strengthen friendships, along with providing spiritual, charitable, fun, and social activities for all members ages 50+.

The Ambrosians group meets monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month with social time beginning at 5:00 pm, followed by dinner at 6:00 pm.

Upcoming meeting dates for 2024:
January 4th, February 1st, March 7th, April 4th, May 2nd, June 6th, July 11th, August 1st, September 5th, October 10th, November 7th, December 5th

For more information on Ambrosians or if there are any questions, please contact Patricia Schwietz, Ambrosian President, at (651) 336-7921. Also, keep watch for additional information on upcoming gatherings in the weekly bulletin.

Next Ambrosian Gathering Details

Our catered dinner will be held on Thursday, Thursday, April 4th. The evening begins with a social hour @ 5 pm and dinner @ 6 pm. The menu will be broasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, salad, bread, and dessert. Please call in your reservation to Marie N. @ 651.735.7762 or Diane K. @ 651.714.4548 by Sunday, March 31st. NO reservations will be accepted after this date.  The cost of the dinner is $15 per person. We will have a financial speaker who will talk to us about investment and savings options for seniors.

Please know that if you make a reservation and are not able to attend, you are still responsible for paying for your meal – we have called in your reservation to our caterer and are responsible for paying for your meal. Thank you for understanding!

Funeral Ministry

If you are interested in volunteering and becoming involved with the Funeral Ministry, please call Judy Donohoo at (651) 308-2141, making sure to provide your name and phone number. The staff at Saint Ambrose truly appreciate those involved with the Funeral Ministry.

If looking for additional upcoming service opportunities, reach out to Judy as well.

Outdoor Rosary - Wednesday, 5/1 @ 6:30 pm & Sunday, 5/5 @ 9:45 am. Impact 133 meets Thursday, 5/2 @ 6:15 am. Vacation Bible School registration deadline is May 10th!
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