

Volunteering is a great way to get to know the church, become more part of the community and serve others. Every person within the parish is equipped with specific skills and gifts and volunteering is a way to share those gifts.

Below is a comprehensive list of different volunteer opportunities available at Saint Ambrose Catholic Community.  For more information on these programs, reach out to the key contacts provided for each program.

Children’s Programs

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Share the love of the Good Shepherd and Catholic faith with the youngest children in our parish. Learn more about the volunteer opportunities, listed below, by contacting Kathleen Dierberger.

  • Catechists
  • Substitutes
  • Arts and Crafts Supply

Faith Formation: Enrich the children of our parish with faith formation that will grow their Catholic faith and become more aware of God’s love. Reach out to Kathleen Dierberger to assist with one of the following:

  • Catechists
  • Assistant Catechists
  • Substitutes
  • Special Event Planners
  • Hall Monitors

Vacation Bible School: Children of all ages are filled with a week of faith and fun with Bible stories, songs, crafts, and more. Join in by volunteering during the summer weeklong program. Contact Kathleen Dierberger to learn more and to sign up today.

  • Leaders
  • Volunteers

Youth Programs

Middle School – Edge: Volunteers are needed as part of the Edge Core Team. To find out more information, please reach out to Brianna Barbeln.

High School – Youth Group: Connect with the teens of the parish as a Youth Group Core Team member. Contact Brianna Barbeln for more information.

Confirmation: Participate in helping high school students receive the sacrament of Confirmation by volunteering. Contact Justin Kortuem for more information.

Liturgical Ministries

Worship: Utilize your talents at Mass, whether participating “behind the scenes” or in a public role. Prayerfully consider volunteering within the following areas:

    • Music Ministry
    • Lectors
    • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
    • Sacristans
    • Alter Servers
    • Technical Support

    Hospitality: Help set the tone and be the first and last impression to those attending Mass by helping as:

    • Greeters
    • Ushers
    • Sunday Morning Fellowship

    If you are interested in volunteering in any of the above Liturgical Ministries, contact Nancy McGrew for more information and to volunteer.


    Becoming Catholic: Share your faith and help grow others’ as they become Catholic. Volunteers are needed as part of RCIA as Small Group Leaders.

    Infant Baptisms: Help families become knowledgeable about the process of baptism, and more ready to engage in their role with the celebration of the sacrament by being a catechist.

    Engaged Couples: Work with couples to develop a better understanding of the sacrament of marriage by volunteering as a Mentor Couple or part of Walking with the Engaged.

    Weddings: Assist the church and couples as they prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage as a Wedding Assistant.

    Funeral Ministry: Help honor an individual’s life and provide loved ones with support by volunteering in a variety of ways at Saint Ambrose with the Funeral Ministry. Learn more details on how you can assist by clicking here.

    Learn more about volunteering as part of Becoming Catholic or Infant Baptisms by reaching out to Nancy McGrew. Become involved with Engaged Couples, Weddings, or Funeral Ministry by contacting Deacon John Vomastek.

    Flapjacks & Flannels! A fundraiser for Woodbury Options for Women! Saturday, February 15th @ 5:30. Suggested Goodwill Donations is $10/person.
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