Music Ministry

I will sing to the Lord as long as I live.  (Psalm 104:33a)

The Saint Ambrose parish is so blessed with abundant musical talent within our community. Has God so blessed you? We invite you to serve in music ministry! There is a place for everyone – veteran and new, young and young-at-heart, instrumentally gifted, vocally talented, and those who just like to sing.

Excitement is building, so if you have considered music ministry in the past but have hesitated to take the step, now is the time!

There are several opportunities to participate:

· Adult choir – rehearsals Wednesdays 7-9 pm, sing for 8:30 and/or 11:00 Sunday Masses and Holy days. Season begins in September.

· Seasonal choir – join with adult choir during the high seasons of Advent-Christmas and Lent-Easter.
Rehearsals November 1st – December 20th, 2023 and February 14th – March 27th, 2024.

· Children’s choir – for grades 3-8. Weekly rehearsal Wednesdays 5:15-6:15 pm; sing for approximately one Mass per month. Season begins in early October.

· Instrumentalists – experienced piano, organ, guitar, woodwind, brass, string, drums/percussion. Audition required.

· Cantors – experienced cantors are needed for all Masses. Audition required.

· Other Liturgical Ministry needs: Soundboard assistant, Video operator, Environment assistant.

There is nothing quite like the power of music to bring a sense of the power of God into our lives! Music is one of the ways we worship. The heart is where worship begins. We invite you to come learn, rehearse, and share God’s Holy Word through His beautiful creation, music.

Contact Jackie or Bob Harvey

We look forward to working together, thank you!

Fall Series with Father Peter: Creating a hospitable place for the Mass begins October 15th from 6:45-8 pm. There is no fee for this series. Click here to register
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