
Ministries before and during the time of worship is an excellent opportunity to lead through volunteering. At Saint Ambrose, we truly believe in uplifting the talents and gifts of our parishioners and are appreciative to those willing to contribute to help our liturgies.

If you are interested in volunteering in any of the roles highlighted, please contact Nancy McGrew ([email protected]).  


We encourage parishioners that have a passion for Scripture and an ability to interpret the Word to be lectors for Masses. Training is provided throughout the year. If you are open to public speaking and are open to proclaiming the Word of the Lord, we would be grateful of the involvement in Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Parishioners assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at weekend Masses. Training is ongoing throughout the year and we always welcome new volunteers to assist during Mass.


There are many elements to prepare for Mass and sacristans play a critical role in assisting with the preparations. From laying out the vestments to carefully ensuring the liturgical books are in place, the sacristan ensures that the elements for worship are available. The parish is in need of assistance and additional support for weekend masses. We look forward to training those interested in volunteering and appreciate the consideration.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are a very important part of the Mass and assist the parish and priests through their dedication and service. There are training sessions throughout the year, and we encourage individuals that are responsible and willing to undertake a sincere commitment to inquire for more information.

Technical Support

Audio at Masses, whether it be from lectors to the choir’s microphones, is a pivotal part to worshiping during Mass. We also provide livestreaming of the weekly Masses and the 8:30 am Sunday Mass to hundreds of homebound parishioners. But we cannot do this without the support of volunteers willing to help with the soundboard and livestream.

Saint John's Bible is coming to Saint Ambrose! Saturday, February 8th @ 9:00 am & 2:30 pm. The community is invited to attend!!
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